Sunday, April 5, 2009

Drrum's Pets, or "Find What to Wear"

Not only does Drrum (found through warcraftpets) show us artistic screenshots of pets on Papa Hummel's Biscuits (which make pets grow very large) but she(?) also includes a list of all clothing in the screenshots.

So if you're looking for a cool pet or an RP set, look no further than Drrum's gallery.

Even if you don't care about the details of the screenshots, the screenshots themselves are artistic and worth viewing. Drrum put a lot of time and effort into these.


  1. Awesome site whith an awesome idea of the matching clothes. Even if i don't like the ghostly skull pet, the screen is my favorite.

    Thanks for sharing :-D

  2. Heh my fave is the one you picked, with the pet sporebat. What an awesome awesome shot. I was drooling over her pictures and pet collection for quite a bit when I came across it the other day ;o) I'd be tempted to do the same, but WOW already steals too much of my time *sniff*

  3. Obviously I missed out by leveling my warrior while wearing a tabard. I had no idea! The spirit of competition is much prettier enlarged. I may have to invest in some biscuits.

  4. Wow, those screenshots are just amazing! I never even knew half of those armor sets existed. Might have to go on the hunt for some sets now. :)
    Thanks for sharing this!


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