Saturday, April 11, 2009

Contest Winner, or "Nine Entries Enter the Hat... One Comes Out"

A green hat. It's juuuust too small to be comfortable to wear, so I stick to my other hats. Have I mentioned I like hats? I have, like, 5.

Enough about hats. You want to see the winner, and I'm thrilled to say he's a recurring commenter not only here but also on The Family Business. :)

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

Viktor (aka Lamora)!

Grats to Viktor, and I hope to see a screenshot of you using it soon. :) You should have the code when you next check your email, along with instructions on how to implement it.

For anyone who gets their own loot card, I'll repeat those instructions here:
  1. Go to this page and enter the character you want to have the Tiger along with your promotion code.
  2. Write down or copy/paste the new code they give you.
  3. Log on to the character you chose to receive the item.
  4. Go to Booty Bay and find Landro Longshot on the docks.
  5. Make sure your bags have room.
  6. Select the appropriate choice to find your card name, then enter the code you wrote down or copied into the panel.
  7. The item will appear in your bags.
Congratulations. :)

Contest ended at midnight last night but I gave it until I woke up for people in very different timezones. I also forgot to call my dad for his birthday yesterday. O.o

[edit] Lamora on Tiger!

Yay! Image from Viktor's blog.


  1. Congrats Viktor! I'm going to have to get one off ebay now... ;o)



    I canna wait! Unfortunately, I have to run to work shortly, so I won't be getting a screencap 'tll this evening. I'll send it posthaste though.

  3. D'what?

    I went to the fellow, and he didn't have a selection for the Sandbox Tiger!

    And for some reason, I can't post in the Forums to ask for help.


  4. Bwahgh!


    Looked myself and didn't see it. It must be redeemable in 3.1 but not yet. Keep the in-game code safe until then. Sorry! I assumed it was redeemable already.

  5. No, it's cool. I had a lot of fun making that profile for Lamora.

    That code is gonna be safe. ^_^

    Oh yar. If you're interested, I'll be adding more RP profiles for my other characters on my own blog sporadically over the next few weeks, depending on work and school.

    It's called "A Hordling's Musings".

  6. Oh, sweet! Found the url:

    I shall definitely read. But not right now. >_> I'm gonna be tired for church as it is.

    But, hey, I got to squeeze in another Battlestar Galactica episode before bed! XD


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