Levels 30+ have best success rate, but if a lower level is willing to corpse-hop a bit, you'll be on roads until the last little section.
Go to Ironforge, talk to the guy right outside and get "Honoring a Hero."
Head to Western Plaguelands (you can ride north from Southshore into Alterac Mountains, then take the eastern fork into W.P.) and get the Flight Path at Chillwind Camp.

Use the item on his tomb and return to the guy at Ironforge.
Head out front of Orgrimmar and talk to the guy. Pick up "Honoring a Hero."
Head to Ashenvale (follow the road north out of the Barrens and then east along the southernmost range; if you have the Splintertree Post flightpoint, head southeast on the road until you get between the two rivers and then go straight south) and you should hit a bunch of level 30 demons -- look for a path going south into the mountains with more demons and head in there. Take the western fork to its end.
Use the item in front of the monument and return to the guy at Orgrimmar.
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