Friday, August 21, 2009

Felicia Love, or "None For Me"

My guildie got a photo with Felicia Day. His comment? "Felicia Day said she liked my outfit."

He's sooo lucky!

He got photos with pretty much every hot girl at BlizzCon. He has this really friendly, casual way about him that girls flock to (I described my guildies yesterday and he's the "good-looking friendly emo guy with piercings and star wrist tats").

He kind of fits in as one of the girls, though he's not effeminate. He's just the exact opposite of sleazy. He dueled character dress collections with me in BC and we tied. XD I also have a RL shot of him in our apartment in a tee that says "Yes, they're real." Though I think he intended to wear it under another shirt, it's still awesome that he owns it.

I'll see if he'll let me post the Felicia photo. Our other friend (the "very curvy short woman") might have a clearer shot, as she promised hundreds of pictures to make the rest of us jealous. I'm wondering if all of my guildies didn't get a shot with Felicia, if they were together. If so, I'll see who'll let me post. :)

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