Saturday, December 15, 2007

Maiden Love, or "I Like Singing"

This is a video tutorial showing you what the raid boss Maiden of Virtue is like. :) While the fight is happening, you can read pertinent notes about the boss. (I can never ever ever ever ever understand boss fight videos or pvp videos. I always need my husband to explain what's going on. But not everyone has access to my husband. So I made it nice and easy.)

Bonus singing from me at the beginning! :D

Deadly Boss Mods is an addon that most guilds require to raid. ^_^


  1. Love it!
    idk how to subscribe tho :(

  2. I don't know how to subscribe, either. :/ I've thought about it before, but don't know how to set it up w/ Blogger.

  3. Fabulous song...lovely singing =D

    Even more important...really really great tutorial vid! Easy to understand, easy to follow. I totally agree that most of the tutorial vids you find are absolutely impossible to comprehend. This one was great..kudos! =D


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